Nov 17, 2012

Lovers by Moonlight

I wanted to post this over here, as well as over on Facebook - though I don't do a lot of advertising (perhaps I should more?), this seemed as good a time as any to buck the trend.

A good friend of mine released her first novel this week, and it's really pretty excellent. She's self-published, like me, so she's missing the huge publisher advertising machine, so I thought I'd lend a hand.

Her name is Sage Arroway, and her novel is called "Apollo Rising", the first of a series of werewolf novels. They mix a pretty solid werewolf genre into paranormal romance, and she did a great job blending them, like chocolate and peanut butter.

Anyway, she's also doing a contest over on her Facebook page, so even if you're not curious enough to pick up a copy of her book yet, it's worth taking the chance on some free stuff, no?

The book has only been out a few days but is already getting some nice attention - - but I'd be a lousy friend if I didn't help spread the word. Go - check it out, and enjoy the read!

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