Jun 14, 2012

In Which We Attempt to Pay the Bills

I don't like flooding my twitter stream with the deets - plus, come on, 140 characters can't do everything - so I wanted to update you with some of the basics of my current books:

Rom, sketched by Joe Benitez
The main series - completed, "in the can", and available for your hungry reading-holes, is titled The Chronicles of Aesirium. Though labeled as science fiction/fantasy, it's got a funny little delicious aftertaste that you might not recognize, but is called "Steampunk." But the books are at their heart about a young orphan girl named Romany ("Rom" to her friends) who finds that not only are the Reapers real - those terrifying beings that are said to steal away the souls of the unwary as they fly above the rooftops of Oldtown-Against-the-Wall - but that she is one of them!

Described as "a Victorian Buffy the Vampire Slayer", and "Death, wearing a pretty black dress", the Aesirium books take you through the streets of Oldtown, over the eponymous Wall and into Aesirium itself, discovering - and answering - the riddles that plague the people who live there. These same riddles that had divided their city, and are tied to the many threats of their past and future.

It's available in individual volumes on Amazon both as ebooks for the Kindle and in paperback formats, and in bundles at Barnes and Noble for the Nook.

The next series is my "Into the Dust" series, a prequel of sorts to an upcoming novel that retells the story of Peter Pan as a contemporary fantasy horror story. I wrote these with the fantastic author Kiri Callaghan, with whom I am completely blessed to be friends.

We compiled the entire series of stories into "the collection", and even added a bonus story. Who says we don't know how to drive a bargain?

The individual stories of "Into the Dust" are available only for the kindle; the collection is available as a Kindle ebook and as a paperback.

Then, and in a wholly literary divergent direction, I've also done a sort of compilation of blogs and musings about growing up and finding myself to be an adult geek in Dad form. I called these compilations "The Middle Age: A geek's journey from boy to man". These are available as kindle books, as well.

Also, I participated with my creative cohorts at Talaria Press to produce "Quests and Answers" - 7 great tales of....well, Quests and Answers. Duh! This is available as an eBook and also as a paperback.

Okay, so that's the bulk of my publishing materials thus far. What's next?

Well, I'm working with Talaria Press on the NEXT anthology, which is going to be quite delightful and a bit more fun. One of the stories I'm doing for that is about a character that will be appearing in my next series, which I'm already writing and will be called "The Old Bones." I don't want to give too much away, but suffice it to say that it's going to be a fully contemporary series, so I'll get to make all those jokes about Star Wars and Starbucks I've been just dying to make all this time.

Also, Kiri and I will be working together again, this time to do the full "Dust" book that our original project was designed to introduce. If the wind stays at my back, both these novels should be completed by the fall - but I'll be releasing additional smaller projects along the way, count on it!

If you've picked up (or decide now to pick up) any of the above titles, please let me know - I'd love to hear what you think! And reviews on Amazon are, of course, ALWAYS appreciated!

Thanks for reading!


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